Sailing Tackle

This summer I played on sailboats in Casco Bay with the help of the Becks. As much as I enjoy playing in the water and going fast over the chop, the technical aspect of lines, pulleys and cleats captivates me in the same way that Legos consumed my life when I was seven. Call me a nerd, but this hardware tells just as relevant of a story as gas pedal, steering wheel, and shifter tells the story of driving.

This collection of images of nautical tackle sets the scene and anchors

That's not my foot, but that's my camera and flash.

To differentiate between lines, sailors rely on bright colors.

I love the rust and remnants of mussel shells.

A high school English teacher, Art Leo, once told me that descriptive detail makes a story real and memorable. I like these sailing details because they tell an anonymous story that anyone could be a part of.

Here are some more links,
Tackle (Picasa),


Short Cruising Boots

In the last couple of years there has been a lot of hoopla about rubber hunting boots such as the iconic Wellington. Although unpractical and clunky, Wellington boots typify the heritage movement that has captured the imaginations of fashionistas and bloggers the world over. Despite their symbolic heritage, I never felt like dropping 140 dollars on uncomfortable, knee-high boots to wear twice a year and avoided the silhouette altogether.

I stumbled across these short rubber boots at a sailing outfitters on the central Maine coast. I really like the Short Cruising Boots made by the nautical company Gill. Based in Nottingham England, Gill makes market leading technical sailing equipment based around the ethos, Respect the Elements. Although not as classic as the Viking by Harvik 10 inch , pictured bellow, the Short cruiser is a technical boot anchored in functionality and performance. It has removable soles and a quick dry polyester lining. They come in European sizes and are available here for $47.

Here is a photo of them in action on a warm February afternoon.